

At the core of every great experience is great content.

Insites CMS Module
The CMS enables you to create and use various layouts so that you can reuse different design styles across your site. In addition, you can create reusable content blocks, also known as partials, to make updating content throughout your site simple, fast and efficient.
Insites CMS
Insites CMS
Insites CMS
Insites CMS
Insites CMS

Used by

Many different roles and industries use Insites to create Store Locator Apps. Here are just a few that we have helped

Content Publishers

Content Aggregators

Membership Websites

SEO Experts

List of Features

Insites comes with amazing functionality, right out of the box.


Unlimited custom databases

You can create as many different databases as you want. Configure the databases to have custom fields, custom input types and options.


Customizable layouts

Any information stored in Insites can be dynamically added to a website page or to a custom application. You get to define exactly how it is displayed.


Content publishing interface

Insites has a built-in, intuitive interface for creating and editing content. Fields can be customized to accept different input types to further assist content editors.


Users, groups and permissions

By default, all Admin users can add content to your site. Simply create a new user, and they will have access. You can choose to add extra security by creating Groups and Permissions that limit access.


User-generated content

Capture content from your employees, customers or website visitors. Use our Zapier integration to publish content from anyone across 2,000 different applications.


Membership only paid content

Publish content from your site and secure it behind a login that only paid members can access. You can create multiple Groups and Permissions that limit access on different levels.


Zapier integration with over 2000 apps

Insites is integrated with Zapier and over 2,000 other applications. You can trigger events in Zapier based on the content being published or publish content from any connected application.


Add media files, PDFs and digital downloads

Make content more than just text by adding video, audio, images, pdfs and digital downloads. These are all managed through a simple, intuitive interface.


Bulk export all content to CSV

Export all content to CSV to create a backup or migrate your content to another system. You always own all of your data and have no lock in to Insites.


Auth policies management

Auth policies allow you to control user access to CMS resources such as pages and collections.


Global data management

Globals are data that are globally accessible throughout the web application.


Dynamic web file processing

Web files are dynamic content generated on the fly using server-side scripts, adapting to user actions, location, or triggers, essential for delivering personalized experiences.

Get started for free

Try Insites for as long as you like with our free starter plan and free staging instances. Purchase a production instance when you are ready to go live.